© C. Bellanger - Parc national des Calanques


In the National Park the pubescent oak, or white oak of Provence, flourishes in the small valleys at the foot of north-facing slopes where they find rich and humid earth. It can be recognised by its lobed leaves the underside of which are protected by a downy layer of hairs. Its trunk is often short and twisted but it can measure up to 20 meters high! In spring, it produces yellow catkins and minuscule female flowers which change into acorns.

Scientific name

Querçus pubescens

Where and when can you see it?

  • Natural habitats: Green oak forest
  • Flowering season: September to November

Did you know?

The pubescent oak has foliage known as marcescent, i.e. on autumn the leaves dry but remain in place on the branches throughout winter. They fall off in the spring when the young leaves start to grow.

Conservation stake


How can I help to protect it?

  • I keep to the trails
  • I look but I don’t touch

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